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The Gear Box Transmissions
Muncie-Tremec-Saginaw-TKO-Top Loader-Richmond
Muncie Parts > Muncie Steel Speedo Drive Gear 1.84 OD 7T or 8T 27 or 32 spline output
Muncie Steel Speedo Drive Gear 1.84 OD 7T or 8T  27 or 32 spline output

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Price: $31.29
Availability: in stock
Prod. Code: 18-110-006

Muncie steel drive gear with 7 OR 8 teeth.  Available for the 27 spline and the 32 spline mainshafts.

Please select 7 or 8 Tooth and  for 27 or 32 spline out put. 

You must specify which tooth count & spline count you need.

Driven gears given for calculation purposes: (see chart below)

27 spline OD 1.84 / ID 1,178

32 spline OD 1.84 / ID 1.379
























































































































  • 18 tooth brown  dimension -1.75 x .305 x .810

















































































































































































































































  • 19 tooth white    dimension -1.75 x .305 x .810

















































































































































































































































  • 20 tooth blue     dimension -1.75 x .305 x .810

















































































































































































































































  • 21 tooth red       dimension -1.75 x .305 x .810

















































































































































































































































  • 22 tooth grey     dimension -1.75 x .305 x .810

















































































































































































































































  • 18-22 tooth  .810 diameter gears must be used with a 1.84 OD speedo drive gear.

















































































































































































































































  • Speedo Gear Chart

    Axle Ratio                  7T                       8T -Drive Gears

    2.73                             -                         18            

    3.08                            18                       20

    3.27                            19                       21

    3.55                            20                       22

    3.73                            21                       

    4.10                            22                       



    • Calculated driven gears are based on normal 26" tires and the formula listed below:

    Driven Gear Teeth = Drive gear teeth x axle ratio x tire revs/mile






























































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